Range--Water regions of the lower Yangtse River in China.
Habitat--Marshes, ponds, rivers and streams.
Size--Average 5 "C 6 feet. Rarely larger than 7 feet.
Reproduction--10 "C 50 eggs are produced and incubated for about 70
Diet--Snails, frogs, and slow swimming fish.
Characteristics--This alligator differs from the American alligator
in that it has a more blunt head with eyelids that have a bony
plate. The Chinese alligator also has a bony belly plate that the
American doesn't have. Its vision is extremely sharp out of water,
but a ??third, clear eyelid?ˉ also allows them to see very well
under water.
Behavior--These alligators have likely survived as long as they
have because they are solitary and nocturnal, hiding during the day
and hibernating in colder months in burrows. These burrows are
often long and elaborate with multiple chambers.
December 12, 2001)