China has ranked itself among countries where resident incomes are
very unequal. The problem of income distribution has become the
most noticeable issue among current social problems in China, said
Lu Zhiqiang, deputy director of the Development Research Center of
the State Council, in his speech delivered at the 35th Annual
Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) on May 9.
Since the launch of the reform and opening up drive, people's
incomes have been raised, but the gap between the rich and the poor
has widened. The Gin Coefficient of China's resident incomes has
increased rapidly from 0.33 in 1980 to the critical point of 0.4 in
1994, and has now exceeded 0.45.
The fact that the income gap expands along with economic growth in
the process of industrialization is not a phenomenon unique to
China, but Lu Zhiqiang noted that China's problem is more
complicated than other countries and regions, this is manifested in
the following four aspects:
- Firstly, the income gap is broadening at a very fast pace. In a
period of 20 years, China has changed from a country with a very
narrow income gap to its entry into the ranks of countries with
great unequal incomes, such a speed is very rare in the world.
- Secondly, the polarization of incomes has a clear community
character. Income level is closely related with regions,
industries, enterprises and institutions. In terms of residents'
incomes, such a yawning gap between different regions, urban and
rural areas and different trades as in China is rare in the whole
- Thirdly, the general public has shown dissatisfaction over the
present income distribution method, especially they do not affirm
that part of high income gained by high-income earners. About 70
percent of people think that "the great disparity between the rich
and the poor" has adversely affected social stability. People are
showing great discontent with the irrationally high income gained
through the monopoly of industries, and with the illegal gains
derived from graft and corruption, and power-for-money transaction.
Such phenomena are rarely seen in other countries and regions.
- Fourthly, it is difficult to reverse the trend of the widening
income gap. As the widening income gap is not completely caused by
the distribution policy, so the problem cannot be resolved only by
adjusting the distribution policy. Many other factors, such as
disparities in regional and rural and urban economic development,
imperfection in economic and legal system construction and limited
means and functions concerning re-distribution of incomes, also
increased difficulties in reversing the broadening gap.
( May 11, 2002)