The Walt Disney Co. on Thursday named film producer Sean Bailey as president of motion picture production.
The move was seen as the continuing overhaul at the upper levels of Disney management.
"I am honored and thrilled to join a company with the history and tradition of The Walt Disney Studios," Bailey said. "I look forward to working with the studios' impressive array of talented filmmakers to create entertaining, inspiring films that uphold the legacy and quality of classic Disney movies and capture the imagination of our global audiences."
Bailey will replace Oren Aviv, who was Disney's production chief for almost four years but stepped down earlier this week, reportedly under pressure from the company's top management.
As head of production, Bailey will oversee all aspects of film development and production for Walt Disney Pictures and Touchstone Pictures.
"Building upon a strong foundation with the company, Sean brings great creative instincts and considerable filmmaking experience to his new role at The Walt Disney Studios," said Rich Ross, chairman of Walt Disney Studios.
"His close relationships throughout the creative community and industry at large make him an ideal leader to set the direction of TWDS' future film slates.
"Sean's talent, energy and commitment to delivering quality content will help us achieve our goals of producing and distributing Disney-branded movies that entertain audiences worldwide," Ross said.
Bailey produced films including Matchstick Men and Gone BabyGone, along with the upcoming Disney film Tron Legacy.
He founded the Idealogy Inc. production company and co-founded the Live Planet production firm with Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Chris Moore.
Ross also announced that Chuck Viane, president of Walt Disney Studios distribution, will now be responsible for all aspects of international sales and distribution.