The Chinese 3D animation film "The Legend of Silk Boy" dedicated to the Shanghai Expo is set to open on Friday (August 20) in the Expo Garden, reports.
Jackie Chan is the voice of the hero, Xu Rongcun, while the film's director, David Liu, also worked on "Star Trek", "Transformer" and "Toy Story".
"The Legend of Silk Boy" is set amid China's first attendance at the World Expo in 1851 in London.
Xu Rongcun, dubbed "China's First Businessman at the World Expo", won the gold and silver medals for the Chinese silk he sold in London.
The film is based on the book "Adventure of the Silk Boy" written by his 70-year old descendant Xu Xizeng.
The cast also includes Li Bingbing, Li Yang and comedian Zhou Libo, who speaks in a Shanghainese dialect for his character.