The State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping has extended the deadline for licensing online mapping applications.
Online mapping companies, including foreign firms like Google and Microsoft, who have not yet received licenses, will be able to use the extended period to apply or re-apply. The initial deadline was set for the end of 2010.
Under the revised schedule, the bureau will show a yellow card to companies providing online map services that have not obtained licenses by the end of March 2011, and will take administrative measures against those who continue operating without a license after July 1, 2011.
Currently, around 50 websites and operators have obtained class-A surveying and mapping licenses. Major domestic Internet companies such as Baidu, Sina, Sougou and Alibaba received their licenses in September, but foreign companies such as Google and Microsoft did not.
According to China Business News, an insider from the bureau said that some foreign firms, including Google, have applied for licenses, but their applications have yet to be approved.
China's business press carried the story above on Monday. has not checked the stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.