Sources of energy derived from biological sources may reduce global dependence on fossil fuels that emit harmful gases, but they entail the use of large volumes of water and pose the risk of introducing undesirable crops into ecosystems, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warns in a report released Monday.
The report, "Accessing Biofuels," recommends new planning and management approaches to balance the beneficial effects of the production of biofuels – which do not produce gases associated with climate change – with their environmental and social consequences.
"There is no doubt that we need to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels and move to cleaner, more environmentally friendly options," said Achim Steiner, UNEP's Executive Director. "But we need to make sure we are not creating more problems than we solve."
"Biofuel production has risks and opportunities. We need to examine all the risks, so that we can take full advantage of the opportunities for emissions cuts, for new green jobs, and for raising the standards of living for some of the world's poorest communities," Mr. Steiner said.
According to the report, bioenergy development can have an impact on biodiversity on a number of levels, including directly through land-use change, the introduction of potentially invasive species for use in biofuel production, the overuse of water, and indirectly by pushing agricultural production into previously high-value conservation areas.
UNEP cites research which shows that 2 per cent, or 44 cubic kilometres, of the global water withdrawals for irrigation are being used for bioenergy production, and notes that if current bioenergy standards and targets are fully implemented, a further 180 cubic kilometres of irrigation water would be needed.
The water demand would create additional pressure on water resources and potentially have an effect on food production and water supplies, especially in areas already experiencing water shortages.
In an issue paper published in the report, UNEP argues that while many of the currently available biofuels are produced from existing food crops, some of the plant species being considered for advanced biofuels are potentially invasive.
The agency notes that the very qualities that make these plants ideal for biofuels – fast growth, ability to outperform local vegetation, abundant seed production, tolerance of and adaptability to a range of soil and climatic conditions, resistance to pests and diseases and lack of predators – mean they could become invasive in a given landscape.
Invasive species can cause serious damage to the environment, local livelihoods and economies, according to the report, which was released at the 10th conference of parties to UN Convention on Biological Diversity that is currently under way in the Japanese city of Nagoya.
Meanwhile, a website spotlighting some 35 important areas worldwide, including the World Heritage sites and Protected Areas, was launched at the conference today.
The electronic guide also explains the species and habitats they seek to protect, as well as their legal status and the extent to which local communities are present.
"The A-Z guide is a useful reference to support business and other sectors with their biodiversity commitments to mark our contribution to the Year of Biodiversity," said Jon Hutton, Director of the UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) which created the guide with the support of several partners.
It is intended to assist the business community, governments as well as non-governmental organizations by providing useful expert reviewed information, links to tools with spatial data, and further online resources to raise awareness and support decision-making about areas important for biodiversity conservation.