We first meet up with Carl Fredericksen as a young boy who dreams of being an adventurer as he watches newsreel footage of explorer Charles Muntz. Carl's quiet and sort of shy, but his love of Muntz leads him to Ellie, a sassy little girl who is as outgoing as Carl is introverted. From elementary school through high school and on up into adulthood, Carl and Ellie are inseparable, sharing every moment of joy and sadness together while dreaming of a time when they can actually take off on an adventure in the wilds of South America just like their hero, Muntz. But jobs and health issues and whatnot have a way of intruding on dreams, and Carl and Ellie grow old never having visited the South American jungles. And then, sadly, Carl becomes a widower with just his lovely little house and his beautiful memories of Ellie to keep him company. |
男主角卡爾·弗萊德里克森剛出場時是個一邊看著探險家查爾斯·穆茲傳記影片,一邊夢想著成為探險家的小男孩??栃愿癜察o,有點兒害羞,但是對于穆茲的崇拜讓他認識了同樣熱愛冒險的小女孩愛麗。和卡爾不同,愛麗大大咧咧,十分外向。從此他們再也沒有分開過,一起上學,結婚成家,分享著生命中的喜悅與悲傷。他們有一個共同的夢想,那就是什么時候能和他們心中的英雄穆茲一樣,到南美洲的原始森林中探險。然而,這個夢想被工作、疾病以及許多生活里的瑣事一拖再拖,直到兩人都白發(fā)蒼蒼,也沒有實現。后來,愛麗永遠地離開了她的愛人和夢想,只留下他們可愛的小屋子以及曾經的美好回憶與悲傷的卡爾相依為命。 |
Unfortunately, Carl's home is right in the path of new construction. Unable to stand up legally to those who want to level his house, Carl finds the perfect way to keep his home intact. He wants to visit South America before it's too late and he needs to remove his house from its current location. The solution: ties thousands of helium-filled balloons to his roof and float away. |
不幸的是,卡爾的小屋正處在新建工地的拆遷范圍內。由于無法用合法手段阻止開發(fā)商,卡爾想出了一個完美的方法來保護這座盛滿了他和愛麗回憶的房子。他計劃用成千上萬個氦氣球吊起小屋,飛到南美洲的仙境瀑布去,在他們的夢想之地安家。 |
But Carl fails to take into consideration the persistent presence of an overly helpful Wilderness Explorer named Russell. Russell didn't know of Carl's planned getaway and was on the porch when Carl's house lifted off. With no way to put the house down and South America set as his goal, Carl and Russell become unlikely traveling companions. Touching down just short of his target landing spot -- Paradise Falls -- Carl and Russell must walk the house (with balloons still attached) a mile or two to the perfect spot. |
千算萬算,卡爾還是忽略了一名叫做拉塞爾的志愿者的意外出現。這個自稱“野外探險家”的小學生下定決心要給上了年紀的卡爾提供幫助。他并不知道卡爾的大計劃。在房子緩緩升空的時候,他依然坐在門廊上試圖再一次敲開卡爾的門。此時房子已經沒法降下來了,于是卡爾和小拉塞爾不得不結伴而行。房子落在了離仙境瀑布還有一兩公里的地方,他們只好拉著房子徒步前進。 |
On the way to the house's final resting spot they meet up with a huge exotic bird Russell names Kevin and a super friendly dog named Dug. Dug's wearing a fancy collar that allows his thoughts to be translated into English, a plot device that's so incredibly funny that Dug deserves a film all to himself. |
在路上他們遇到了一只罕見的大鳥(拉塞爾叫它“凱文”)和一只叫做迪格的特別熱情友好的小狗。迪格的脖子上戴著一個精致的領子,還能用人類的語言說出狗的想法。這個裝置產生的效果十分有趣,讓迪格成為電影中的焦點。 |
So, now they're in South America and all is as it's supposed to be, right? Nope. There's danger lurking around every corner for poor Kevin, and it's up to Carl, Russell, and Dug to keep the rare bird safe… |
(China.org.cn 任仲希 譯)