Liu Xiaomeng (劉曉萌)
Age: 56
2011 net worth (US$): 1 billion
2010 net worth (US$): 980 million
General ranking: 135
Company: Suning Appliance Group Co., Ltd.
Headquarters: Jiangsu
Title: Director of Fund Settlement Center
Main focus: Retail - appliances
Very little is known about Liu Xiaomeng, 56, who has kept a very low public profile. She helped to start Suning, one of the largest electrical appliance retailers in China, in 1990. Since then, the company has grown to include nearly 1,400 franchised stores in China and Japan, going public on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2004. In 2010, Suning made US$24.4 billion in revenue and has a brand value worth US$7.94 billion. Liu, as one of the company's "old heads," now has a 42 percent stake.