The war epic "The Founding of an Army" is the third installment of the "Founding of New China" trilogy -- The previous two installments are "The Founding of A Republic" in 2009 and "The Founding of the Party" (also known as "Beginning of The Great Revival") in 2011. It uses more than 40 A-list stars in the film and marks the 90th anniversary of the Chinese army. Andrew Lau, who directed "Infernal Affairs," will take the helm of the project to tell the story of how the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) was created. It will be very interesting to witness how actors play young versions of revolutionary heroes. Liu Ye, a veteran actor, will play a young Mao Zedong, and Zhu Yawen will play a young Zhou Enlai.
The film is set to be released on Aug. 1, 2017.