Compared with the Top 500 Companies of China in 2009, 66 companies were replaced by new companies in the 2010 list. Those companies, newly shortlisted in the Top 500, saw revenue growth, identified new business growth points, were well managed, saw general growth in their respective industries, or were merged and reorganized. For example, due to growth in the multimedia and electronics industry, TCL Group Co. Ltd ranked 137th; of the 66 companies, 11 were recently merged and reorganized. Since the aviation and electricity production industries made a turnaround from losses, many companies related to these industries were promoted to the Top 500 list. As the real estate industry developed much better compared to the previous year, 11 more companies were listed, covering real estate development, construction and construction materials. Stimulated by domestic demand, some companies trading capital and consumer goods were also newly shortlisted in the Top 500.
66 companies were excluded from the Top 500 list this year due to a decline in revenue, largely attributed to three reasons: poor management, underdevelopment of their respective industries and the financial crisis. As the shipping industry has stagnated since the financial crisis, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO), previously ranked 19th on the Top 500 list in 2009, suffered heavy losses and was excluded from this year's list. The stagnant steel industry also caused some companies to be removed from the list. Besides, since foreign companies are not qualified for ranking of the Top 500 Companies of China in 2010, such companies as Dell, Samsung and Motorola, which established branches or subsidiaries in China, are also not included in the list.
Summary |
Chapter I. |
Chapter II. |
Chapter III. |
Chapter IV. |
Chapter V. |
Chapter VI. |
Chapter VII. |
Chapter IX. |
Chapter X. |
Chapter XI. |