After an unforgettable three-day reunion with his family in the DPRK, 92-year-old South Korean Park Woon-hyung and his son have returned to South Korea. Back home, he says he wants the divided country to be reunified, hopefully in his lifetime.
A separated family say their good-byes. They finally met again after 62 years apart, but the reunion was short - just three days long.
They don’t know if they’ll ever meet again.
Back home in Gyeongsan, South Korea, 320km south of the DPRK’s Mount Kumkang resort, 92-year-old Park Woon-hyung, shows us a gift he received from his younger brother in the DPRK — two wooden pillow-ends that Park made by hand when he was 19.
Park was in his early thirties when he was separated from his family by the Korean War. He left a two-year-old daughter in the DPRK. His daughter, now in her sixties, held tightly onto her father’s hand, as they took their first family photo together.
"The son, who is in fact a professional photographer, took hundreds of photos and videos during the 3-day family reunion. Now he is going to show us an exclusive video that he took at a private reunion inside the hotel room.
Their conversation is inaudible, but Park says the reunited family of six shared stories and exchanged gifts behind closed doors.
Park now hopes South Korea and the DPRK will be reunited.
He is confident it’ll happen within the next decade while he is still alive. This is the message he sends to his family in the north.