Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday he is ready to send two senior officials as his representatives to confer with the anti-government protesters on ways to break the deadlock.
Speaking during his weekly TV and radio address, Abhisit thanked supporters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) for holding a peaceful mobile rally on Bangkok streets Saturday, saying that he would initially send Education Minister Chinnaworn Boonyakiat and Korbsak Sabhavasu, secretary- general to the prime minister, to discuss with the UDD leaders ways to end the political crisis.
Members of the National Human Rights Commission and some senators would coordinate preparations for the talks, he said.
But, Abhisit said there will be no talks with the UDD leaders if they demand the government to dissolve the lower House first.
Meanwhile, the UDD announced that they will only hold talks with Prime Minister Abhisit and not anyone else from the government.
Jatuporn Promphan, a UDD leader, insisted Sunday that he will hold a talk only with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.
Jatuporn said the prime minister has the power to dissolve the House, so he will talk only with the prime minister.
He said if Abhisit was too "arrogant" to talk with the protesters, negotiation would never take place.