Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Tony Windsor on said on Monday that he may delay a decision on which side to support, unless more information is forthcoming from Australian Labor and the Coalition Party.
The MP stated at the weekend that he was likely to make decision on which party to form a minority government by week's end. However, on Monday he said a lack of information about the costings of Labor and the coalition's election promises could delay any decision.
"I'm not going to be rushed by any deadline," Windsor told reporters in Canberra on Monday.
"The whole point of last week was to put a proposal to both the government and the opposition to release some information based on some of their promises and some of the other departmental advice.
"We haven't received any of that yet."
But asked if Prime Minister Julia Gillard or Opposition Leader Tony Abbott was more cooperative, Windsor was more diplomatic.
"They've both been very cooperative," he said.
Meanwhile, another independent MP Andrew Wilkie, who holds the balance of power in Parliament to decide which party to form minority government, has presented a list of demands to both leaders, and Wilkie is expected to meet both leaders later on Monday.