India's Opposition National Democratic Alliance, which is led by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Wednesday sought the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over a multi-billion-dollar telecom scam which hit the government.
The opposition said that either the government should set up a joint parliamentary committee (JPC) to probe into the 40 billion U. S. dollars telecom scam or the prime minister should step down "on moral grounds".
"If you are saying the prime minister's post should be above suspicion, then you should honestly form a JPC to probe the 2G scam. And if you don't have answers to opposition concerns, then the prime minister should quit his post on moral grounds," Arun Jaitley, senior BJP leader, said while addressing an anti- government rally in the national capital.
The ruling Congress party has rejected the BJP's demand of setting up of a JPC into the 2G spectrum scam, which led to the country's former telecom minister A. Raja's resignation last month.