India's launch of its latest communication satellite failed Saturday afternoon after the rocket GSLV-F06 carrying it developed a technical snag soon after its take-off from the southern spaceport of Sriharikota, sources said.
"The rocket geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV) carrying communication satellite GSAT-5P exploded mid-air just moments after it took off from the Sriharikota rocket launch center. The launch at 16:00 p.m. failed due to the technical fault in the first phase," the sources said.
The satellite GSAT-5P, powered by Russian engine, was expected to serve the needs of the telecommunication sector and the weather department and would have eventually replaced the INSAT-2E satellite that was sent up in 1999.
The GSAT-5P is a satellite with 36 transponders which can be used for beaming television and radio programs and telephonic conversations, for conducting telemedicine and tele-education programs and organizing banking services.
This is the second failure this year, after a GSLV mission rocket plunged into the Bay of Bengal on April 15.