Esther Feibouko (28) has had four pregnancies. One child died soon after birth, and her three remaining children are six, four and two years old. Esther developed a fistula in 2008 after being in labour with her daughter Abigail for 12 hours. "I didn't feel good about myself when I realised I had this problem. When I walked, I would leak urine, and it made me feel bad. I have heard that a lot of husbands leave their wives after they have such a problem, but my husband did not have an issue with it. Even though I know the surgery may not work, I pray for healing." Esther is from Ndormboli village, and made three separate trips by motorcycle, each of 112 kilometres, to Boguila Hospital to make sure that she was on the list for the fistula surgery. Her husband accompanied her to Boguila for the surgery and while she recovered from the operation. [? Sarah ELLIOTT for MSF] |