Russia would not let the United Nations approve any foreign military intervention in Syria, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday.
"We could hardly be able to prevent that if someone intends to use force by all means," Lavrov said at an annual press conference, adding that "but they will obtain no authorization from the UN Security Council."
"We will not support any sanctions because the unilateral sanctions are imposed (against Syria) without any consultations with Russia and China. Now they want us to 'bless' the inexpedient decisions made without us," Lavrov said.
"Everything must be decided in the UN Security Council," he said.
Lavrov said the Libyan scenario cannot be extended to similar conflicts in other countries. Russia also protests against provoking humanitarian disaster in Syria as a means of coercing the government to use force.
"Everybody knows the arms have been brought to Syrian extremists who use the protest movement to seize power," Lavrov said.
The Syrian government said some 2,000 army and security personnel were killed since the unrest began in March, while the UN said more than 5,000 people have died in violence.
Many countries, including Russia and China, have called for dialogues between the relevant sides to resolve the Syrian issue.