1. Traditional service businesses dominate the top 500 list.
The top 500 companies cover 39 categories. The top 10 categories account for 56 percent of the top 500. Traditional service sectors, such as retail business, property development and trade of light industrial products, dominate the top 500 list. Fifty-seven retail companies, or 11.4 percent, are on the list.
The top seven highly profitable service companies account for 60.33 percent of the total revenue of the top 500. The banking services account for 16.5 percent; energy suppliers, 14.64 percent; post and telecommunication, 8.99 percent; life insurance, 6.06 percent; railway transport and supporting services, 4.96 percent; retail, 4.82 percent; business services, 4.35 percent.
2. Profitability and economic benefit of service businesses in China have increased over the previous year.
The average profit margin on assets of China's top 500 service companies in 2010 is 1.17 percent, the same as the previous year. The catering industry has the highest profit margin on assets, at 47.32 percent, which is down 24.97 percent from the previous year. Railway transport and supporting services industry has the lowest profit margin on assets, with (negative) -0.27 percent.
The average profit margin on revenue of China's top 500 service companies in 2010 is 7.39 percent, which is almost the same as the pre-financial crisis level. The securities industry, with a profit margin on revenue of 47.04 percent, is ranked first; Railway transport and supporting services industry, with the profit margin on revenue of (negative) -0.91 percent, is at the bottom.
The average profit growth rate of China's top 500 service companies in 2010 is 20.15 percent. Property insurance, with a profit growth rate of 533.87 percent, is ranked first; water transport, with a profit growth rate of (negative) -66.61 percent, is last.
The average revenue growth rate of China's top 500 service companies in 2010 is 7.22 percent. Property insurance, with a revenue growth rate of 110.63 percent, is ranked first; water transport, with a revenue growth rate of (negative) -38.77 percent, is last.
Summary |
Chapter I. |
Chapter II. |
Chapter IV. |
Chapter V. |
Chapter VI. |
Chapter VII. |